Sunday, May 24, 2009

Okay Fine!

O well, less work for me! Your loss guys, I make really really good "grandma Hazel" cookies and icing. I guess since you don't like "free stuff" you won't get to try them!


Jessica Tibbitts said...

can I have some free cookies anyways?

Heather said...

Oh my gosh Ellen...I was going to post, but I thought I shouldn't because I don't have a blog to continue the trend...but I haven't had Grandma's cookies in years and years!! Would you mail them to me in Colorado?

Cinda said...

I was out of town, but I can't guarentee that I would have commented, though. My sis in law tried that one before and no one commented either.

Haylee said...

Drats! I just read this post...looks like your not doing it anymore...I guess I don't win. Bummer! But I still need your address! will you send it to Thanks!!