Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jacob's First Birthday

Today my baby turns one!! AHHH, where did the last year go? I can't believe how much he has grown and changed. He is such a joy in our home. He learns something new everyday and its so fun to watch him discover something different and say new words. I'm amazed at how quickly he picks up on certain words and what they mean. He LOVES waving and saying "hi," he can also say bye, ball, hot, down, B (for baxter) and of course "no" is his favorite and he knows what it means believe me! He also has mama and dada down pretty good. He loves cuddling with baxter and his stuffed animals, we tell him "give it loves" and he hold it up to his neck and leans his head over and says "ahhh." It is way too cute! He loves making new friends and touching their faces, especially the cheeks!

We had a great birthday weekend with family and friends. Saturday we had a crowd in our little living room, all there to celebrate with us. We all had a really good time, especially Jake. He walked around waving and saying "hi" in his cute little voice. Just as we suspected Jacob didn't hesitate one bit when it came to his cake! He dove right in, getting baxter (waiting patently by the high chair) just as dirty! He even shared with grandpa!


Cinda said...

Dalton wouldn't even try his cake on his first birthday. I should have known from then on he would have been a picky kid. Happy birthday to Jake!!

Alisa and Sky said...

happy bday jake!! your cake is so cute...turned out way better then mine :)

The Littlest Moons said...

El, the party was so fun, thanks for letting us come. It was great to see you and your family, we don't get to see you near as much as we would like. And it was fun to meet some of Cameron's family. They were all so nice and welcoming. Great job on the party is was absolutely a hit!

Jessica Tibbitts said...

You forgot to mention that Jake has his own word for his Aunt Jessie! <3