Since Jacob's 9 month doc appointment I've started to incorporate more dairy into his diet to try and "fatten" him up! The last few appointments he has been in the 15% for weight even though he is usually in the 75% for height. So as you can imagine his is pretty skinny. It never worried me because I know Jake is a pretty good eater and has always been healthy but my brother in law (the doc) told me that I could try adding more full fat dairy products into his diet to try and fill him out a little bit. Since then Jake has discovered how much he LOVES yogurt! They were giving "gogurt" samples away at costco the other week and Jake pretty much swallowed it whole so we bought a huge pack and he can't get enough. I tried giving him bits of cheese and he never seemed to like it until I tried string cheese, which he now loves. I also started to slowly add whole milk into his diet and he didn't seem the least bit phased by the switch. I'm still giving him plenty of formula but I don't want to switch him cold turkey ya know. He has also developed a love for oreo's. Call me a bad mom if you want but I could never be one of those mom's who refuses to give her kids a little indulgence once in a while and plus it keeps him happy for quite a long time and what mom doesn't love that!! He is also a pro at his sippy cups. He can put it in his mouth from any angle and still manage to get a good drink, he can spot a sippy cup from across the room and know exactly what it is and go for it! It really is crazy how quickly time has flown by and changed Jacob so much!
I went to costco and gave nate the gogurt sample too! He also loved it! I also believe in giving nate a little indulgence every once in a while. I have to say his first time eating cake wont be his first birthday because he has already experienced it!
Haha!To fatten Tyler up we give him as many milkshakes as he'll eat...doctor's orders!
I love oreo's too! I don't blame him!
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