Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jazz and Twillight

My favorite picture of the night!!

Tyler is in the middle of the front line. (i know its hard to tell)

Last Wednesday we went to another Jazz game to watch my brother Tyler preform with the drum line at half time. It was the first time we have taken Jake with us and I was a little nervous. During the summer with took Jake to one of Tyler's races and he cried b/c it was REALLY loud and I worried he wouldn't like how loud the Jazz games can get but we all had so much fun. We had kinda crappy tickets but we didn't care we still had a good time. Jake loved all the music and watching the game! Tyler's drum line did a really good job, it was really fun to watch!

For the weekend Cameron went camping with his brother and my Dad and brothers went to Vegas to watch a race so I had a fun girls weekend with my Mom and Jessie. We spend a lot of time shopping for new bedding with my Mom on Friday and enjoying each others company. We always have some good laughs. Saturday my mom took us to see twilight. OK so here is my own personal opinion and review..

Jessie got me hooked on Twilight before it got crazy popular and I might have read it as fast or faster than Harry Potter! I really enjoyed all 4 books and knew there was no way a movie could ever do it justice... BUT I went knowing it wouldn't be as good as the book and just went to be entertained. I tried really hard not to compare it to the book and just enjoy it. I thought it was really cute and, for the most part, pretty well done. Robert Pattinson was an excellent Edward and the girl who played Bella (don't know her name) was really good also, they had a believable chemistry and even though there was just a smig of cheesy acting the rest was really good. I really liked the humor in the movie, it was a little unexpected. Funny at some points and serious at some points. Of course they had to overlook A LOT of details, and some of the things that were skipped over I thought for sure would have been in the movie. I did wonder if people who see it who haven't read the book would get what was going on. It moved pretty quickly through the story and some of the little things that were hinted at could only be caught by the book readers. All in all, I did enjoy the movie and am curious about the next few ones to come. It was tasteful interpretation of one of my favorite love stories.


Jessica Tibbitts said...

I get credit for getting you hooked on Twilight?! Sweet! I had fun this weekend, I'm glad you came up!

Love Sweet Love said...

I can't wait to see the movie too! Did you just take Jake with you? I'm too afraid to take Tyler to a movie cause I know there's no way he would sit through the whole thing!

Alisa and Sky said...

I saw twlight yesterday too! I have not read the book so its cool to hear what you thought of it! I liked it and I want to read the books now. I am sure i didnt pick up on all the details, but understood the basic story line.