Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nothing Much

He thinks spitting his food is funny! Notice the sweet potato splatter all over the high chair!

"what, I'm innocent"

He now has another reason to LOVE bath time... His duck

Life is pretty much the same as always but I thought I would throw a few more pictures of my cute Jacob on here. One thing that is somewhat different is that Jake is FINALLY sleeping better. He goes down alot easier and sleeps longer... YES! Which means I'm not as cranky because I sleep better. Jake is also getting close to crawling. He wants to SO bad!! He now spends most of his time on his belly spinning and scouting around. I'm not sure how to feel about the crawling... I think its great that he is learning and progressing but I'm a little nervous about him being mobile. He also is really discovering his voice and it seems he wants to talk loudly at the most akward times. Like at church! During relief society he must have tought the prayer was funny because during both the opening and closing prayer he started laughing!! It was still pretty cute.

1 comment:

Alisa and Sky said...

He is such a little cutie! Nate always decides to be the loudest while the sacrament is being blessed and passed! Its kinda embarrasing!