So lately I have discovered a few hidden gems! The first.... White Cheddar Pirates Booty. Its like Fancy Cheetos! They are so delicious and low in calorie, fat and carbs and all natural. They were sampling them at costco and I fell in love.
I also rediscovered the magic of petroleum jelly. I found some in my night stand and decided to put some one my cracked fingers on night and by morning they were soft and silky smooth, now I use it all the time for dry skin and lips and for diaper rash.
Obviously my favorite thing of all is Jakie POOHS!! He is so stinkin cute! He seems more aware of everything around him. Mainly Baxter, his eyes follow baxter everywhere just waiting for him to get close enough to grab! Baxter is so good about it, even though you can tell its painful for him he still lets Jake play with him. They will be best friends someday soon! We also got Jake a new bouncer play thingy and he loves it. He really loves standing up and the bouncer is perfect. He wants to put EVERYTHING in his mouth so he spend most the time in the bouncer leaning forward to put the toys in his mouth or Jumping up and down. He has however developed a not so cute little trait... Screaming bloody murder when I'm not in the room.. Including bed time. Its hard for me to know the difference between comforting him and spoiling him. I usually give in and stay til he falls asleep.

1 comment:
Its always fun when family gets together! Jake is so cute i cant wait to meet the little guy! I am going to stay with Amanda tonight because its her birthday today so i want to hang out with her. Thanks for offering though! I will see you guys tomorrow!!
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