Jake is developing such a funny little personality! He is so expressive. We tried carrots the other day and it was hilarious to watch, he didn't understand that he has to open his mouth to get the food in. Instead he would stick his touge right into the spoon, almost as if he had been watching and learning to eat from Baxter (our dog.) Another little funny thing that happened the other day, Jake was playing on the floor and lately he loves to lay on his side and eat his fists, so hes been laying on his side for a while and having a grand ol time and I go over to play with him and when I roll him back on to his back half of his face is COVERD in thick white PUKE! I mean it was thick and all gunked in his eyelashes, it looked like he had that white creamy halloween face paint on. It was so cute because he didn't seem to care at all! Who knows how long he had been laying there in it. I couldn't resist taking a picture!
I remember those throw up days. Dalton was the worst.
ha ha thats funny and will be a good picture to have! Cant wait to see you guys in 2 weeks!!!
hey i would love it if we got together for lunch one day!! me you Jessica and your mom oh and anna too... i haven't seen her in forever!!! let me know :-)
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