Thursday, January 15, 2009

Beautiful Baby

These are just a handful of pictures, out of the dozens and dozens, where Jake is looking at the camera and sometimes smiling. On the Regis and Kelly show they are holding a beautiful baby contest and the grand prize is 125,000 towards a college education for the baby that wins. I'm not trying to toot my own horn BUT Jacob is a gorgeous baby (I think so anyway) and I just thought "why not!" Neither Cam or I went to college and its something we really want for our kids, what a good chance to get some help! I do need your help though. The pictures you submit can NOT be professional and its really hard to get a good one without a fancy camera that can snap a picture instantly. So I need you to help me pick a picture. Just one that shows how cute Jake is, I just wish his personality could show through all the way, that's what makes him SO cute!


eden and david said...

i really really like the third to last one. soooo cute!

allison said...

How fun, so cute!!!

Alisa and Sky said...

I really like the same one eden does and i also really like the one before that too! He is a gorgeous baby!