Saturday, January 10, 2009

Back to Normal

Jake is finally feeling much better. Every once in a while you can hear a little raspy in his voice but he is happier and sleeping better. After Christmas messing with his sleeping schedule then getting sick I was worried it would take weeks to get him back on schedule! I think he finally realizes how enjoyable sleep can be and he has gotten back to normal very quickly. Another thing that is back to normal is my weight! WAHOOOOO. I was not one of those mom's who lost baby weight quickly, in fact I was the opposite. I gained weight while breast feeding and then had to work really hard to get it off. In fact I'm just about 10lbs LESS then what I was when I got pregnant. It feels so good to be in PRE pregnancy pants and actually have them loose! I've never been one to feel really self conscience about my body but its weird how much a baby really will change your body. I even lost weight differently. It came off more than usual in some places and less than usual in some places. No complaints though, I admire the female body for the life it can create and everyday appreciate my slowly fading stretch marks more and more!

Sorry I don't have any pictures to add, Its hard to get cute ones of Jake b/c he NEVER holds still. His cousin Carter was sitting next to him today and Jake was doing circles around him! He is climbing on everything and it getting really confidant with standing up all by himself. I'm worried that he will be walking shortly!


Alisa and Sky said...

I am glad to hear Jake is not sick anymore! Congrats on being able to fit into to pre-pregnancy pants! Mine fit me but they are still snug! I need to start going to the gym again!!

Terri said...

I LOVE your little family picture! You look gorgeous! And Jake has gotten so darn cute.

The Coons Family said...

That's good to hear that Jake is better and back to normal! You guys are so cute, I love the new pic. It's crazy how fast he's grown and almost WALKING!! Crazy! Good luck with that!

Sara said...

Good for you, Ellen! You look great and I like the dark hair. :)