Thursday, January 22, 2009

9 Months!!

Jacob turned 9 months on Monday! He also had his check up that morning and it was so nice to not have to watch him get shots again. He got a little prick on the toe (to check his iron) but he didn't even notice. He is still around the 75% for height but he dropped down to the 15% for weight after being sick and having clear liquids for a few days. He sure makes up for being so skinny with his energy level. If I tried to keep him from getting into EVERYTHING I would spend literally all day chasing after him. Lately he loves to explore the kitchen and the bathroom. His favorite things to do are open his bottle drawer, suck on all the nipples and toss them over the side. He also loves to climb up on my tub while I'm getting ready and turn on the water, he laughs and laughs. He has Cam's love for the water too, he loves to lay on his tummy at bath time and have me push him back and forth like he is swimming. When I stop he splashes around and tries to do it himself. Such a cutie pie.

Another exciting thing is I finally got our family vacation planned. We didn't have one last year since Jake was so little but this year we wanted to do something fun with him. We also wanted to include my family and have one last hoorah before Tyler leaves on him mission next year. You would think planning a vacation would be exciting but finding the right time and place for 7 (and 1/2) people is kinda stressful. After a couple days of non stop phone calls and internet searches we finally found a beautiful beach front resort in West Palm Beach Florida. We are leaving on Oct 1, 2009!!! I've never been to Florida before but as long as I have a beach to relax on I'm good! The sand and the water are supposed to be gorgeous and the area has lots of cool sights and fun things to do if we can pull ourselves away from the beach. Cam and I have had some amazing vacations before Jake was born and I can't wait to share this experience with the him and the whole family!

1 comment:

Alisa and Sky said...

He is getting so big! Nate loves getting into to drawers and cabinets too! Thats so exciting about your summer vacation! Family vacations are the best! I hope we can take a family vacation this year too!