Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I laughed SO hard

I hope some of you don't find this inappropriate but I had to share this MadTV clip. My brother showed it to me and Cam and I couldn't stop laughing and repeating the phrase... "can I have your numba!?" For some strange reason it takes me back to my "Houston" days. LOL, seriously, LOL

There is some swearing but if you think you handle it you MUST WATCH!


Love Sweet Love said...

I am SO laughing right now! Oh my gosh, it reminds me of how we used to be ghetto together Ha Ha! It also really reminds me of my brother Ty because he so should have been born a black dude! I have to show this to him, he will die!!

"Man, the back of your head is just ridiculous!"

Jody said...

ellen I love the new family pic on your blog!!! so cute!! so what is your schedule like? I think it'd be fun to get together

Alisa and Sky said...

That is so funny!!! I laughed so hard! ha ha angela is right Ty should have been born a black dude because he acts half black from living in houston! Thanks for sharing this!!