Last weekend my sister Jessie, sister in law Candace and I went to the Body Worlds Exhibit thats currently in Salt Lake. Ok WHOA!! If you have the chance to go you must! Its a little expensive but totally worth it. If you don't know what its about let me share...
This German guy invented this process called plastination. They take deceased bodies and put them in a vat of liquid plastic and them vacuum them so that the plastic it squeezed into all the tissue, preserving it exactly the way it was. They can also shape the bodies any way they want and remove whatever tissue they want without making a nasty mess. So what you see at the exhibit is ACTUAL bodies and body parts!! They display everybody is a very artistic way. You can see the muscles, tendons, bones, fat, intestines, organs...EVERYTHING. Its so cool. Its very educational and really cool especially if your intersted in medical stuff (which I am totally fascinated by for some reason.) They also show you how some medical procedures are done and which tools they use. One thing that tugged at my heart strings was the baby section. They had baby's at EVERY stage of development. It was so sad to think these babies didn't make it but it was so neat to see what a miracle pregnancy really is. They even had embryos at like 4 wks-32wks! Some of them were so so tiny, I mean like millimeters!! I really learned alot. I am so grateful for my body. It really is amazing what it is capable of and how every piece of my works together and what happens everyday involuntarily to keep me alive. I could go on and on about how cool it was so you should just go see it for yourself!
I've seen the commercials for it and I just thought it looked weird, so I'm glad you wrote about it. You totally made me want to go check it out!!
Thats really interesting! I bet that was a fun experience! I have never heard of it before!
ellen thank you sooo much for the super cute blankets!!! my sister in law has the exact same ones and she loves them too! Lenora has to be wrapped up like a burrito in order to fall asleep so they are perfect!! thank you sooo much!!
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