Tuesday, May 13, 2008

another update for mom

So i havn't posted pics in a few days (whichs gets me in trouble with my mom) so i thought i would update. The chocolate cake was my birthday/mothers day cake, which i made myself! It was very yummy!

Jake started doing this new thing with holding his binkie... which you think would be great until he pulls it out and starts crying! So we had to start wrapping him so tight he can't get his hands out or wrap the blanket around the binkie so he can't spit it out.
Don't mind the fact that I don't wear make up anymore (not by choice, just lack of time or energy) and that it appears i have a double chin!


Anonymous said...

Ellen I think you look B-E-A-UTIFUL without makeup and having no time or energy is understandable so I don't mind :) Jake is so freakin cute, have I mentioned that ever before? You should get him a silky or something to hold so he won't pull out the bink... just a suggestion. Oh and there is only 24 more days until we come!

eden and david said...

you dont need any makeup. you are one beautiful mommy! i hope you had a wonderful mothers day!

Love Sweet Love said...

yum, that cake looks delicious! And I agree, no make-up needed for you girly!! I love that second picture of Jake, his face is so adorable!